The “Rainbow Six” franchise fans are eager following the release of the new “Rainbow Six Extraction.” “Rainbow Six Extraction” introduces a cooperative multiplayer that can support up to three players. In “Extraction,” the operators must infiltrate an alien-infested location and complete objectives, such as collecting samples, extracting materials and gathering intel.
Fans expected new operators, modes, maps, and enemies that enhanced the gameplay experience, which Ubisoft successfully delivered.
In the trailer, footage is shown of elite “Rainbow Six” operators taking on a new terror, the “Archoeans.” In order to combat the new villians, you will need a strong team strategy and communication to make it out alive. Eighteen new operators are introduced like Thermite, Smoke, Mute, Sledge, and many more, each with their own unique abilities, progression paths, playstyles, and customization options. New weapons and explosives are showcased throughout the trailer. As you progress in the game, you’ll face the most dangerous enemies, the proteans. The proteans mimic the operators' form and DNA in a deadly fashion. The trailer ends with the title card “Rainbow Six Extraction,” followed by the release date January 2022.
Rainbow Six Extraction was developed by Ubisoft Games and designed by Alicia Fortier. The voice actors include Sledge (Ryan Nichols), Thatcher (Jamie Muffett), Smoke (Martin Sims), Thermite (Carlo Mestroni), Mute (Gary Milner), and many more.
So far, fans have been enjoying “Rainbow Six Extraction” and can’t wait for more content. “Rainbow Six Extraction” was released Jan. 20th on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. Rainbow Six Extraction was a day one exclusive for the Xbox games pass on launch day.