The Warren Central girls swimming team has been making progress and improving. As the season wraps up, the girls swim team has been doing well and has made strides.
“The season has been amazing so far and the team has been putting in a lot of work to improve as a whole,” senior Jaci Merchant said.
One thing that the girls swim team has done better this season is making a lot of progress in achieving their swimming and diving goals.
“The season has gone pretty well so far. A lot of records have been broken in both swimming and diving,” sophomore Cari Merchant said.
The girls are working on encouraging each other in order for a better performance.
“I think we could improve in the support for the team cheering more and things like that,” Merchant said.
There are a few stand-out swimmers on the team. These girls help lead the team in their meets.
“Some of the stand-out swimmers would be Riley Bryk and Maria Ruiz,” Merchant said.
The lead swimmers on the girls swim team do a lot to help the other girls with what they struggle in.
“There are four of us. The relay girls consist of Riley Bryk, Maria Ruiz, Mary Nosek, and myself,” Merchant said.
Some success the girls swim team has had this season includes learning the basics of how and what to do. There are also more girls on the team this season that help the team out a lot.
“The growth made this season was that a lot of new swimmers who had never swam before learned how to swim all of the strokes and dropped time in a lot of races. The same also goes for diving. We had two new divers join and they both have competed in championship meets,” Merchant said.
The girls on the swim team are making improvements as a team. They are helping each other out to help the team succeed.
“The team dynamic continues to grow every season and I personally think that this year the team has become closest to one another,” Merchant said.
The girls work really hard by making improvements, working together as a team, and practicing. The major moments for the girls swim team were the accomplishments they’ve made.
“Some major moments were when I broke both of the diving records and when Maria Ruiz broke the backstroke record. Another big moment was when Riley Bryk broke both the school records and the pool record in the 100 free. Mainly some big moments were just the improvements made by everyone this season,” Merchant said.
The swim team has had some significant major moments that they are proud of. They have had top swimmers help the team win meets.
“The strength for our team is all of the effort and hard work being put in. We lift each other up and push each other when things get hard. It helps not only in swimming but in our everyday lives as well,” Merchant said.
The seniors on the swim team like Jaci Merchant want to encourage the other girls on the team.
“I look forward to seeing the new generation of swimmers coming in and working hard to strive for greatness. It's amazing the kind of impact you can leave behind when you graduate, so I hope the next swimmers to come will do the same,” Merchant said.