The Warren Central Science Olympiad team will compete at state on March 20. The event will be held entirely online this year, but the team still plans to meet at school to complete their tests.
In preparation for the event, the team has met weekly to practice, but many members also study on their own time to prepare for the competition.
“Training has been going well. We are limited on in-person practices, so studying at home is needed. There are usually videos or teachers that assist us in our studying,” head coach Lauren Martin said.
Due to the pandemic there will no longer be a regional competition and instead, every team that signed up this year will compete at state.
Although the regionals were cancelled, there are still invitationals open for practice competitions. After regionals were cancelled the team trained to the best of their ability and hopes to come back stronger. The recent invitational was the first competition of the year.
”It was good to see what the online platform is like and work together on events that we have kinda seen around but need the practice on,” Martin said.
State is going to be in the same online test format as the invitational, with select times for events. Building events will not be included in the event this year, since they are hard to grade from afar.
“I want them to have a challenging fun time when the state event rolls around. I can't wait to see what my team members have in store,” Martin said.
The coach’s goals for this season is for them to have a challenging and fun time as the state event approaches. They can not forget that they still have to put in the hard work to win this year’s state competition.
“Our hopes this season are to place higher than we did last year. Shout out to Wyatt Ott, Paul Guzman, Laiden Gillespie, and everyone else for their hard work,” sophomore Christian Herron said.
Herron’s hope and goals for this season is for the team to do better and place higher than they did last year and to show high commitment.
“I hope we have a pretty good chance at it this round to place well in a few of the events,” Martin said.
The coach’s hopes this season for the team is to place higher than the team did last year. Most of the members in the team are sophomores, so the team still has time to improve.
Although the coach and students want to place higher in sectionals this year than they did last year. The coach will still ensure that the team will have fun and put in hard work to place higher in state.
“I always have high hopes with my team. I know they are always working hard to get ready and compete against so many other schools. I want them to have a challenging fun time when the state event rolls around. I can't wait to see what my team members have in store,” Martin said.