THUMBS UP TO Democratic Senators-elect Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff winning the Georgia Senate-runoff election. Their win will mean the Democratic party will have control of the senate, leaving a 50-50 split.
THUMBS UP TO the Trump-supporting rioters being identified and arrested for the crimes that committed while storming the U.S. Capitol Building. Multiple law-enforcement agencies are frantically conducting an investigation to see who all participated in these violent actions, and so far more than 100 participants have been identified and arrested.
THUMBS UP TO over 19 million individuals receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination, as of Jan. 22. Almost 40 million doses have been distributed, with a majority being the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine as well as the Moderna vaccine.
THUMBS UP TO Philadelphia citizen Ben Berman lowering almost 500 free, hand-made cheese pizzas to others from his second-floor apartment during the pandemic. It started after a canceled pizza party Berman planned with his friends, and then realized he could give back to his community and people in need during these rough times. So far he has raised $32,000 solely from donations.
THUMBS DOWN TO the riots at the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, which was planned by Trump Supporters. One rioter was shot by a Capitol police officer after the rioters breached the fence, and died later that night.
THUMBS DOWN TO the UK now having more COVID-19 cases per capita than any other country, causing a needed second lockdown. Cases have risen from an average of 15,000 to 60,000 since early December, and they are continuing to climb daily.
THUMBS DOWN TO American student, Skylar Mack, not following the COVID-19 travel restrictions after flying to Cayman Islands, then attending a jet ski competition for her boyfriend two days after coming back. The law obligated her to quarantine for two weeks at her hotel, and she was jailed for two months for breaking it.
THUMBS DOWN TO off duty police officers being identified in the Capitol riot mob. Veteran Officer Tam Pham was one of the officers identified, and while he has not yet entered a plea, his attorney said that Pham felt “deeply saddened to be associated with the domestic terrorists who attacked our Capitol” and that he “believes strongly in the rule of law.”