Even though the pandemic has brought about a change to the “typical” school year, I would encourage you to take this opportunity to finish this semester stronger than ever before. Here are five tips on how you can turn these challenging times into opportunities that can help you get your grades on point.
1. Think positively
It’s normal to feel a little disappointed when your grades are not where you want them to be, but thinking positively is the first step to improving them.
2. Talk to your teachers
Your teachers know you best, and they have valuable advice on how you can get on track with your grades. Focusing, paying attention in class, asking questions, attending Zoom sessions, coming to school regularly, and completing your assignments will also help tremendously.
3. Get organized
Clutter just gets in our way. So, in order to improve your grades, make sure you are organized. Keep all of your materials organized in a way that you have everything you need and know where everything is.
4. Stop procrastinating
When you have so much to do, it’s easy to not do anything at all. But if you really want to get your grades up…stop distracting yourself with things like social media and Netflix and focus on getting your schoolwork DONE! Once your work is done, then you can say, “Netflix anyone?”
5. Use your resources
Taking advantage of available resources is often overlooked; yet is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your grades. There are TONS of staff on campus standing by waiting to assist you. WCHS also offers after school tutoring and virtual tutoring which is provided by our senior JUMPSTART scholars.
Make sure you are checking your email, Canvas, and other communication spaces every day. Finally, remember to take time to relax and renew your mind and body. Mindfulness techniques, yoga, and listening to music are great ways to do this.