Given that the COVID-19 situation seemingly happened overnight and uprooted our lives without warning, it has been a hard time trying to adjust to the change. Despite seeming like the world has stopped in its tracks, life moves on. Many are trying to stay healthy and are readying themselves to return back to ‘normal life.’ Here are some fun ways to stay on track:
Create a schedule
Scheduling is an easy way to keep life organized and motivates one to feel accomplished throughout his or her day by getting things done. Whether you enforce this schedule through a physical checklist, writing in your notes or setting alarms to dictate what to do next, progress is often not achieved in chaos.
Wake up at a decent hour
While being nocturnal can be fun, it will not be fun in the long run when it comes to one's health. While people do not have to wake up at 5 a.m., try to make 9 or 10 a.m. the latest wake up time. Sleeping too little is harmful to the body, but too much sleep is equally as harmful, so promote healthy habits even in isolation.
Take up a hobby
Spice up your corona-cation by participating in fun activities. Engaging oneself in this type of way can help avoid an unhealthy imbalance between working and lounging. Many people have taken to reading, arts and crafts like painting or origami, or gardening as healthy ways of passing their hours of free time.
Clean your room
Keeping a tidy space can help life seem less of a cluttered mess. Keep the spaces that are most often populated nice and clean so one can live their best life. If life happens to be a little more cluttered than one can handle, do not worry about handling it all at once because that can be overwhelming. Take things one step at a time as things as simple as making your bed in the morning can have a meaningful impact on your day, as you’ve then accomplished the first task of the day and are encouraged to keep the ball rolling instead of falling into a slump.
Stay connected with others
While traditional hang outs are out of the question, one can still remain connected with friends through social media. Not only this but this is a time to connect with family members and grow closer. If the popular app, zoom, is not satisfying, google hangouts, facetime, google duo and instagram video messaging are good ways to feel in the presence of one’s peers. Having close relationships can promote brain health, not to mention having friends helps people deal with stress, which given the state of the world at the moment could be a valuable asset.
Self care
Skin masks and creams are a great way of keeping the skin healthy without being able to go outside all that much, plus it is a relaxing way to spend free time. The products can be found at your local pharmacy or dollar store, but if one would rather not leave the house during this time, Amazon and other online resources have it covered.
Work out
Keeping physical health is a must as well, building up physical strength is a good way to spend this time and develop positive habits for the future. There are many workout routines to be found online, on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Apps like Nike Training Club and Planet Fitness have made their premium services free as a response to COVID-19 as well.
Though it may seem right now that things will never go back to normal, everyone needs to believe that they will eventually. Until then life should not fall apart because health still matters.