The Netflix TV series called “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story” is a show that recently came out on September 19. It’s a show based on the murder of Kitty and Jose Menendez in 1989. The two brothers, Lyle and Erik, are responsible for the murder of their parents. People will always argue about whether Lyle and Erik are the victims or the villains in their story. This Netflix story is a true crime drama which means everything in this show isn’t completely true the only true thing is the crime they committed and the details of the people that were involved with the case. “Monsters” which is a true crime drama series was created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan in 2022 the first show of this series was the TV show “Dahmer” which is about Jeffery Dahmer. This new show about the Menendez brothers is just another TV drama about the murder that they committed.
Erik and Lyle Menendez were 18 and 21 years old at the time the murder took place in August 1989. These two brothers claimed they didn’t kill their parents and were able to get away with it for quite some time until Erik wasn't able to take the built-up pressure and guilt of murdering their parents and confessed everything to their psychologist.
The TV show on Netflix is not an accurate representation of how Erik and Lyle are as people, nor is it correct regarding how they presented these real-life people. What the show did do a good job of was when it came to the courtroom scenes. It was spot on how it went down in real life, and the actors did an amazing job of showing the emotions of how the brothers felt inside the courtroom.
However, the show is a TV drama made to entertain the audience. Shows like this one about the Menendez brothers have been going on since it was announced the brothers were the ones who killed their parents. There have been many shows and sitcoms making fun of the Menendez brothers so It isn’t surprising that the show is inaccurate. “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story” would’ve been good if it wasn’t based on an actual case. Watching the show, it had comedy and suspense along with drama. This show is recommended if you want to be entertained not to be educated on the actual case. This TV series also shows how people have viewed the Menendez brothers since 1989. Nothing has changed from the older generation that was around when it happened. They viewed them as greedy rich kids then, and they still view them that way based on how the show was made.
This is important now because this new generation finds it unfair that the two men are still in jail for a crime they committed because of the sexual abuse that Jose did to them when they were younger. People are speaking out about it now more than ever on the Menendez brothers' side, wishing and hoping they will be released soon.