Thousands of immigrants are being detained by ICE for the belief of he, she, or they are illegal or criminals despite 51% of immigrants being no threat and the other 21 percent were level 1 threats, meaning they committed small crimes. According to the federal government, these are the states that are detaining the most immigrants, Texas (15,852), California (6,527), Arizona (3,869), Georgia (3,717), and Louisiana (3,143). ICE reported that an average of 71 percent of those detained were subjected to “mandatory detention,” meaning they had no say in the matter. Every authorized ICE facility has passed all inspections since 2012, but there are still many immigrants who are dying or struggling in the facility due to medical neglect, nutritional issues and prolonged detention. ICE is also detaining children and keeping them in one of the nine juveniles detention centers set up away from their families. Six out of the nine facilities have limits as to how long they can keep them, however most of them are keeping children longer than the limited 72 hours and the children are instead there for weeks or months.
What to do if ICE calls you. Your rights if you’re here in America.
The law allows for ICE to deport certain immigrants, including those without legal status and those with status with certain criminal convictions.
ICE usually identifies who they want to deport prior to arresting them. They then go to shelters, homes, courthouses, and sometimes even workplaces to find that person. Increasingly, they are waiting on the streets to make arrests.
When ICE arrests someone in public, it typically happens quickly. They usually will call you name out to confirm your identity then will move to detain you.
ASK: “Am I free to go?”
No? Use your right to remain silent. Ask to speak with a lawyer.
Yes? Say “I don’t want to answer your questions.” Walk away
If ICE begins to search your body, say “I do not consent to a search.”
DO NOT: Run away, resist arrest, answer questions about your legal status, place of birth or hand over any expired or foreign documents.
If ICE officers do not have a warrant signed by a judge they cannot enter the home without permission from an adult. Opening the door when they knock does not give them permission to enter your home.
If ICE is at your house, remain calm, ask for them to slip the signed warrant under the door.
Your rights if you’re being arrested by ICE: you have the right to remain silent, the right to speak with a lawyer. Do not lie, it can only hurt your credibility in the future. You do not have to sign anything or give them paperwork.
Know your rights with ICE