It’s so easy to talk about my life story and for me to expect you to get something out of what I said, but people often forget that everyone has different stories and life experiences. It would be easy for me to give you motivational tips for the future, but you have probably heard it all before. So I am going to try to talk about something different.
Students, administrators and teachers, all go through a crazy event called life. Life has an easy way of messing with you and dragging you all over the place. Life is difficult. Sometimes it does not make sense, while other times it is as clear as day. Life leaves us with a bunch of questions. It can be frustrating when you have so many unanswered questions as to why you are encountering certain situations. My advice is to stop focusing on the “why” and start working on “what” you are going to do next.
To me, “why” is too stressful. “Why” means that you do not know the reason that something is happening. Not knowing is one of the worst feelings to get. But, some things are meant to be unknown to you, at least for the time being.
Instead of trying to know all the answers, try working on the “what” you are going to do, the “how” you are going to do it, and then do it. Whatever the “it” is for you, you do not need to have all the information to act on whatever needs to get done. Then, after all of that is said and done, you can reflect, learn, and grow. At that point, you may not even need to ask “why” because you might have found out for yourself.
The message is, is that everyone, including you, are going through something in your life. It is not the exact same thing as your neighbor. In your eyes, it may seem like you have it the worst. What I want to is for everyone to stop focusing on “why is this happening” or “why me?” You need to stop complaining about what you cannot change because there is nothing you can do about it. But finding what you can change is a good thing. Figure out what you need to change, how you are going to change it, and then make that change.