With the end of the year coming up quickly, senioritis is in full effect for many seniors. Seniors are so close to the end of their high school careers that they can almost taste it, but it is important to savor the taste, not fall into it. It is key to listen to what Warren Central Principal Rich Shepler always says: “finish strong.” By “finish strong,” Shepler means that it is time to work as hard as possible to end the year off on a high note. But in order to do this, seniors will have to be able to grind their gears to finish the year off strong.
Stay active and busy
Keeping busy puts you in a mindset to keep going. This is important for the seniors who are wanting to catch a break. Senioritis is feeling the pain of seeing the finish line, but still having to finish the last year-long stretch, and seniors have to understand that the feeling of being focused on work and getting assignments done is contagious, especially after seeing the productive results after putting in hard work towards a cause.
Leave a day open for you to have fun
Since school is about earning grades and preparing for the future, at least one day of the weekend should be designed to finishing school work. However, the other day of the weekend should be strictly used for taking a break from assignments, focusing on being social and having fun. Senioritis is so impactful for seniors because it makes students feel buried under work. It is essential for seniors to keep a day open for stress-free and guilt-free fun, without worrying about an assignment due on Monday. It takes a lot out of a person to always stay focused on their work, so seniors should learn to take healthy breaks from work before leaving high school.
Go to more school activities with a group of friends
It is always important to find a strong sense of school spirit because in a school with no spirit, students do not feel like they are part of something or that they belong. Going to school activities keeps you busy, all while teaching the various aspects of school culture. School activities can range from dances, sporting events, concerts or a fundraisers. Going out to support classmates and peers in their competitive sport is always a strong choice when it comes to avoiding senioritis because seeing the drive from other classmates to compete may help you overcome senioritis. Success is contagious, especially when it comes to sports. Attending more school activities with friends enhance the high school experience and helps grow an appreciation for all the programs in the school.
Keep an updated schedule/calendar
Writing in events and mandatory dates is imperative to keep senioritis at bay. When one has senioritis, doing any extra task that does not apply to a grade becomes overbearing and too much of a burden to complete. Keeping and updating a calendar helps against falling off academically and socially. It psychologically makes one feel more organized, reminds people of what they has to do everyday and does not let people forget since it is in hard print.
Study and work breaks
A common misconception about working and studying is that there are no room for breaks. Seniors suffering from senioritis need to understand that the assignment due during third period tomorrow can wait a 30-minute brain break the night before and everything does not have to be done all at once. These grind sessions that procrastinators have the class period before is not healthy. It stresses these individuals out and gives them a negative take on work that is not logical or reasonable. Instead of waiting that long to finish a worksheet or study guide, seniors should finish all of their work the night before healthily. This includes eating snacks, listening to music, having breaks and getting extra help when needed. Not stressing about finishing something throughout the school day and being able to turn everything in when it is due is one of the biggest stress relievers any high school student can have.